Historic Street Name Change

Previous Street Name: 4th St.

‘Current/Next’ Street Name: Hartford Ave. (17).

Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name: 1903

Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:  

Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar: bet. Lucas & 6th St.

Approximate Number of Blocks:

Length of segment: 0.23 miles

Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:
  1928 Hill
  1921 Baist detail
  1902 Rueger

Reference 1: Morse*

Notes: 1928 Hill is ambiguous with regards to name

Extent as JSON: [lng lat] {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[-118.26484971554055,34.05519205290488],[-118.26453108536582,34.055738876446995],[-118.26417452302739,34.05621655849367],[-118.26369657776529,34.056813657266495],[-118.26324139180136,34.05732904440407],[-118.2631807003395,34.05735418515987],[-118.26309724957947,34.05732904440407],[-118.26237653846991,34.057033639964644]]}

Extent as Coordinate Array (string): [lat lng] Legacy/Deprecated [[34.05574387964248,-118.26452666893603],[34.05597054289807,-118.26437110081318],[34.05627720398508,-118.26413506641985],[34.05657053094319,-118.26388830319048],[34.05722384642906,-118.26335186138752],[34.05730384389761,-118.26327675953509],[34.057361619800176,-118.26319629326464],[34.057343842603586,-118.26308364048602],[34.05722829073486,-118.26282078400257],[34.05704162969107,-118.26237553730608]]

Updated: March 26, 2018 17:03

Street List

If no map shows up when you choose a map, the map may not cover that region, so try another map. A little buggy yet to say the least. To compare contemporary a map to an old map, the Overlays have to be toggled on and off.

Between ~1903 and ~, 4th St. became Hartford Ave. (17).

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Select a base map , and a historical overlay map