Historic Street Name Change

Previous Street Name: Ferguson Alley

‘Current/Next’ Street Name: gone, ~ 101 on ramp

Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name: 1921

Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:  

Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar: once a key street in Old Chinatown, southwest of the Plaza, lay somewhat south of where N. Los Angeles St. now curves to meet Alameda opposite Union Station.

Approximate Number of Blocks:

Length of segment: miles

Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:

Reference 1: Morse*

Reference 2: Baist 1921. Plate 3


Extent as JSON: [lng lat]

Updated: May 27, 2017 08:51

Street List

If no map shows up when you choose a map, the map may not cover that region, so try another map. A little buggy yet to say the least. To compare contemporary a map to an old map, the Overlays have to be toggled on and off.

Between ~1921 and ~, Ferguson Alley became gone, ~ 101 on ramp

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