Historic Street Name Change
Previous Street Name:
Alhambra Ave
‘Current/Next’ Street Name:
Mission Rd
Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:
Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:
Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar:
Current Valley Blvd./Alhambra intersection to N Soto St
Approximate Number of Blocks:
Length of segment:
1.3 miles
Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
1902 Rueger, 1908 Hamlin, 1908 Wood
Reference 3:
1928 Hill
1902 Rueger and 1908 Wood shows a different alignment than 1908 Hamlin and other subsequent maps. Maybe road was straightened out about 1908. (Lincoln Hts.). Note that in 1908 current Valley Blvd east was named Alhambra
Extent as JSON: [lng lat]
January 12, 2018 10:24
Street List
If no map shows up when you choose a map, the map may not cover that region, so try another map. A little buggy yet to say the least. To compare contemporary a map to an old map, the Overlays have to be toggled on and off.
Between ~1902 and ~1902, Alhambra Ave became Mission Rd
Select a base map , and a historical map
Select a base map , and a historical overlay map