Historic Street Name Change

Previous Street Name: Pearl St

‘Current/Next’ Street Name: Figueroa Ave

Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name: 1888

Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:   1894

Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar: Pico Ave (current) where Pearl butted into Figueroa to 1 block north of College

Approximate Number of Blocks: 23

Length of segment: 2.4 miles

Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:

Reference 1: 1890 Sanborn

Reference 2: 1894 Sanborn

Notes: Figueroa may have been a different street earlier. 1857 Bancroft from 12st St to 6th St was Calle de las Chapules (Grasshopper)

Extent as JSON: [lng lat] {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[-118.2680080085993,34.04064051930469],[-118.26530434191228,34.04366318459789],[-118.26384522020818,34.04501445894119],[-118.2628581672907,34.04629459372045],[-118.26118446886541,34.04793029337083],[-118.25933910906316,34.05006376723415],[-118.25715042650701,34.052232743961376],[-118.25320221483709,34.05657053094319],[-118.25147294532113,34.05839953377585],[-118.2485859565908,34.05989438022018],[-118.24714246222563,34.06076137907744],[-118.24620419088824,34.062614933090366],[-118.24414721141787,34.06635181388615],[-118.24371416310834,34.067487792984444]]}

Updated: February 05, 2018 09:26

Street List

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Between ~1888 and ~1894, Pearl St became Figueroa Ave

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