Historic Street Name Change

Previous Street Name: 1st St

‘Current/Next’ Street Name: Beverly Blvd

Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name: 1890

Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:   1928

Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar: bet. Commonwealth & Glendale Blvd / Lucas Ave / 2nd St

Approximate Number of Blocks: 25

Length of segment: 1.7 miles

Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:

Reference 1: Morse*

Reference 2: 1928 Hill, 1902 Rueger

Reference 3: 1890 Sanborn

Notes: This renaming took a section of 1st and renamed it Beverly, but 1st continues from both ends of Beverly. 1890 Sanborn didn't go all the way west.

Extent as JSON: [lng lat] {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[-118.28558170221321,34.07351869008425],[-118.28438179752217,34.07278633638716],[-118.28358787562134,34.0724425763459],[-118.28218949045505,34.07182231013354],[-118.27764507155011,34.06986325929651],[-118.2735367353169,34.068077109225285],[-118.26572834471212,34.06462096045494],[-118.25970618725222,34.06192570074192]]}

Extent as Coordinate Array (string): [lat lng] Legacy/Deprecated [[34.073492888603404,-118.28553155064584],[34.07285302899903,-118.28437283635142],[34.06673857126311,-118.27029660344125],[34.06193912382981,-118.25961068272593]]

Updated: February 08, 2018 17:58

Street List

If no map shows up when you choose a map, the map may not cover that region, so try another map. A little buggy yet to say the least. To compare contemporary a map to an old map, the Overlays have to be toggled on and off.

Between ~1890 and ~1928, 1st St became Beverly Blvd

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