Historic Street Name Change
Previous Street Name:
Wolfskill Ave
‘Current/Next’ Street Name:
Central Ave
Earliest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:
Latest Date for ‘Previous’ Name:
Entry covers from cross street to cross street or similar:
2nd St to 6th or maybe a block or 2 further south.
Approximate Number of Blocks:
Length of segment:
0.68 miles
Map(s) used to confirm street name changes:
1890 Sanborn
1894 Sanborn
Looks like Central Ave from the south was tied into Vine St. and Wolfskill Ave and all became Central (which had ended at 7th) sometime between 1890 and 1902. Was traced on 1890 Sanborn which probably isn't geolocated quite right.
Extent as JSON: [lng lat]
September 26, 2020 17:58
Street List
If no map shows up when you choose a map, the map may not cover that region, so try another map. A little buggy yet to say the least. To compare contemporary a map to an old map, the Overlays have to be toggled on and off.
Between ~1890 and ~1894, Wolfskill Ave became Central Ave
Select a base map , and a historical map
Select a base map , and a historical overlay map